27 August 2010

You've got to be kidding!

My children were fortunate enough to have my parents look after them for a day last weekend. They were fortunate because my parents live a couple of hours away and they don't get quality time with them as regularly as we all would like.

The big lesson that I learnt was that we can sometimes be too serious, and particularly with our children.

My mother (Oma) was reading a book to the children and it was about a little boy who was so very well behaved. Every time she read a line about some fantastic thing he did, for example, tidying up his toys, my mum would turn to the kids and say "where's my bucket, blah!" They looked at her in amazement the first time and then it dawned on them - she was having fun! She was kidding around. Their little eyes lit up and they were in hysterics. Quickly joining in, there was a lot of vomiting going on at our place all of a sudden.

It was pretty hysterical. And it has continued on for quite a few days bringing much joy and laughter to the house.

So I have decided to add more silliness to my interactions with my children as I have always believed that life is about having fun and I haven't been doing enough of it lately.

I have been very serious, keeping everything ticking over - the house, my work, meeting the children's needs. I think someone from the outside might have looked at me and said, "where's my bucket, blah!"


  1. Oh dear Roz, how divine.
    A friend last week talked of people who are being very serious in life and mentioned that they are "a level too serious". I like that a lot.
    I've reflected on how I can be a level too serious. Letting go of this and being silly and fun is just AWESOME.
    Thanks for sharing. I look forward to joining in...
    "where's my bucket?!!!! BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

  2. The looks on their little faces when they realise that you are kidding is priceless! And the best part is, the smaller they are, the more times you can get away with the same dumb jokes! :D

    I'll remember the bucket quote when I'm being a bit too serious with the children too. Thanks!

  3. Thanks for your comment. And I will remember to try some of my old jokes...

  4. Hiya Roz,
    Good blog!
    What's that saying?... 'You don't stop laughing because you grow old....You grow old because you stop laughing' ... or something like that .... anyway, I like it.
    Ben walks up to me & Rhi the other day and says (with this incredibly serious face mind you) - "A kid goes to the doctor and says 'Doctor doctor, I need a new bum because I think my ones broken' The doctor says 'why?' and the kid says 'because mine has a crack in it!'...."
    We laughed hysterically....how sad is it that my sense of humour hasn't changed since primary school....
    Thought Dylan and Alannah might like that one... Have a great night!
